What We Do

Architecture and Planning

We provide our clients with an entire spectrum of architectural and planning services starting from Site Feasibility, Master Planning/ Site Genesis, Building Designs including Construction Documentation, Statutory Approvals, and supervision.


Interior Design

We also facilitate interior design services Its the integration of our research work on interior spaces – colors, light & shade, material palette, furniture design, furniture layout, ergonomics, into our projects that enable us to deliver/ produce unique, functional and notable designs.


Building Engineering

We believe in facilitating our clients with complete building services for a holistic outcome. For this we provide all engineering services including Structure, Mechanical Electrical Plumbing, Fire Fighting, Vertical Transportation, Acoustics and Building Automation.


Sustainable Architecture

We at PG believe that sustainability is not just an approach, it’s an attitude. We recognize that we have a responsibility to effectively contribute to social and environmental sustainability

PG has always actively worked for eco responsive built environment thru passive designs. Continuing on the same and comprehending the imperative needs of the environment we now entail green building design.. We provide documentation services for projects seeking LEEDS/ GRIHA/IGBC rating system for certification of any level.
