Smriti Guglani
Born and raised in Ambala, Smriti graduated from School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi in 2021. She was the head of the Arts society in college, which exposed her to many materials in their raw conditions. Her participation in the summer school at Polimi University Milan on the principles of Urban Realm helped her understand that how it's not just the physical attributes but the user becomes the protagonist influencing the space.
Her interest in healthcare projects has led her to have a user sensitive approach to design. She interned with Helix Healthcare Architects, Delhi where she learned how to maintain balance between the aesthetics and functionality. Her Thesis 'Reimaging Cancer Care' was a focused approach on rethinking the built environment and the effects on healing.
She joined Planners Group in 2022 to take another step to further her interest in sensitive contextual and user design that merges functionality to the built. At the studio, she is involved in various IT buildings and housing projects. Her involvement in the projects extended her passion for detailing and helped to develop technical skills. Working with different agencies in the process has been a great learning and she is excited to work through the execution of these projects.